Frustrierte Sirenen

Physiologus sagt …, dass die Sirenen sterbliche Wesen im Meer sind, und mit süßem Gesang betören sie die, die sie hören, dass sie in einen Schlaf verfallen, sogar bis zum Tode. Halb – bis zum Nabel – haben sie die Gestalt eines Menschen und halb – bis zum Ende – die einer Gans.

Frustrierte Sirenen

There were two of them. As we approached the white breakers around the reef I saw them sit up, stretch their long spines and fix us withe their gazes. Their torsos were too long, their fingers had too many joints and their eyes were cold and green. One said something to the other in a high musical language and my eyes began to water – the other laughed and they began to sing.
(Zachary Mason The Lost Books of the Odyssey)

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