Ground Zero
Die ausgestellten Skulpturen und Malereien wurden von Christopher Kulendran Thomas in Sri Lanka bei einer der neu entstandenen Galerien für zeitgenössische Kunst erworben und als ‘Show-in-Show’ im Schinkel Pavillon installiert.
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Claude Mirrors: Victor Man, Jill Mulleady, Issy Wood
A Claude glass (or black mirror) is a small mirror, slightly convex in shape, with its surface tinted a dark colour. Bound up like a pocket-book or in a carrying case, Claude glasses were used by artists, travelers and connoisseurs of landscape and landscape painting.
Claude Mirrors is a story of decapitated truths of identity, of dark and cryptic worlds and hallucinatory tableaux that Victor Man, Jill Mulleady and Issy Wood pull us into. None of the three painters allow for a clear reading of their work – the powerful nature of their paintings lays within these coats of abstraction which hold up the uncertainty instead of resolving it. What is so captivating about their works is that they all privilege mood over narrative, focusing on the powerful ambience, comparable to that seen in the slow horror genre.
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Tags: Schinkelpavillon