A Beautiful Peace
(Song von Robert Wyatt von COMICOPERA)
I’ve been walking for hours,
needed a rest.
Take a good look around,
nowhere to rest.There’s a shop
selling gentlemen’s suits.
Further along
an estate agent or two.And a take-away sign
over a dusty door.
Shiny photos of food,
slightly microwaved.There’s a methodist hall.
No smoking
No dogs
in the methodist hall.It looks pretty grim
in the methodist hall,
despite a poster which says that
‚He’s There for Us All‘
And it’s a beautiful day,
for walking away.It’s a beautiful day,
but not here.
Mehr der architektonischen Tristesse gibt es hier: http://kalliopevorleserin.wordpress.com/2008/03/11/absurditaten-aus-der-amtsstube/