Archive for Mai, 2023

Chemistry and Physics in the Household

Donnerstag, Mai 18th, 2023

Itamar Gov bei ZILBERMAN in der Goethestraße, Berlin

Der Künstler Itamar Gov wirft einen kritischen Blick auf technologischen Fortschritt und Wissenschaft.
Sein Ausgangspunkt: der Selbstmord von Clara Immerwahr (Tagesspiegel).


The nursery

Olympia (COR.145-PED.510)

Olympia (COR.145-PED.510) consists of a large metal surgical table on which rests a stiff human torso, and a lower plate with multiple reproductions of feet, hands, bottoms, breasts, eyes and hearts. This treatment station – that could seem to be part of a scientific laboratory, a mortuary, a hospital surgery room, a spare part depot, or a museum restoration centre – contains pieces that allude to two sculptures made by Arno Breker in 1936, ‘Die Siegerin’ (The Champion) and ‘Der Zehnkämpfer’ (The Decathlete), that still stand today in their original place in Berlin.

Schlossgarten Neustrelitz

Samstag, Mai 6th, 2023

Schlossgarten Neustrelitz – Ein Rundgang

Neustrelitz 019

Neustrelitz 058

Neustrelitz 079
Friedrich Wilhelm Buttel

Neustrelitz 052
Blick vom Luisentempel

Neustrelitz 053

Neustrelitz 054

Neustrelitz 056

Neustrelitz 055