Posts Tagged ‘„Galerie Thomas Schulte“’

Woman observing the Alpha Persei Cluster

Donnerstag, November 21st, 2019

Galerie Thomas Schulte is pleased to present Woman observing the Alpha Persei Cluster, Maria Loboda’s first exhibition project with the gallery.

This Alpha Persei Cluster of stars in the stellar constellation Perseus is between 50 and 70 million years old. The Alpha Persei, the biggest and brightest of the stars, is 56 times larger than the sun. Loboda in her installation domesticates the colossal natural phenomenon from outer space and integrates it into her large wall drawing of an architectural interior.

Loboda 1

Loboda 2

Opposite the drawing, the work Some mysteries have no clues, two stainless steel cups, which the artist had forcefully crushed, adorn the two pillars. They are influenced by the so-called Ringlemere Cup, a golden vessel from the Bronze Age found in England in 2001 that was acquired by the British Museum. The weight of the soil, which buried the cup for centuries, slowly led to its destruction and left it folded in on itself enhancing its unique beauty.

“I Follow the Work Into the Rabbit Hole.” An Interview with Maria Loboda

Twister Grande (Tall)

Montag, April 29th, 2019

Twister Grande
Alice Aycock

A Walking Artist

Mittwoch, März 6th, 2019

Obwohl ich meinen ersten Kunstspaziergang 1967 mit anderen Studenten unternahm, brauchte es weitere sechs Jahre des Herumprobierens, bis ich mich komplett auf das Wandern einließ. 1973, nach einer Wanderung von Küste zu Küste von etwas über tausend Meilen, kam ich zur wichtigsten Entscheidung meines kreativen Lebens:
Kunst Zu Machen, Die Nur Aus Dem Erleben Einzelner Wanderungen Resultiert. Eine Entscheidung, Nur Zu Wandern.
(Hamish Fulton)


Hamish Fulton in der Galerie Thomas Schulte



Freitag, März 23rd, 2018



Leunora Salihu in der Galerie Thomas Schulte


Donnerstag, März 22nd, 2018


Paco Knöller in der Galerie Thomas Schulte